Posted: Jan 12, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
I figured I would throw a camp together for this army. I tried to capture the essence
of a celtic hill fort on the isle sometime during Rome's early forays to the isles. It
worked out pretty well I think!
Posted: Jan 12, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
The British Celt chief rides to battle on his chariot. A pretty cool fig on there,
but it was tough to decide on a composition. I ended up going for a design that I
found on an image that I got through a google image search... I also spiffed up the
chariot, assuming that they would have painted it brightly!
Posted: Jan 12, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
This is possibly a mercenary from Spain, although not necessarily. I decided to go with
something a little different for the sheild. I think it worked :)
Posted: Jan 5, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
One of the first two chariots done for this army. The passenger was not originally
meant for the chariot, but I liked the pose and thought it fit better! Notice the
shield is shattered? Likely a Roman pilum did the job!
Posted: Jan 5, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
The second of the two chariots done so far. I like checkered cloaks! And that shield
design is my favourite!
Posted: Jan 5, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
These were fun to paint, a nice break from painting foot! The dynamic poses and head
positions really allowed them to be based dynamically as well, which I really like for
light horse.
Posted: Jan 5, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
More dynamic basing for these figs. I'm quite happy with them!
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Dec 15, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
So, from this element onwards represent the last of the foot elements for this
ancient Brit army. It was fun to do, but a lot of work these guys are, with all
their fancy-schmancy shields and striped clothes! I am pretty happy with them!
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Dec 15, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Dec 15, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Dec 15, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
The javelin carrying psiloi/skirmisher unit. Pretty fast looking, but snazzy.
Young, but not too young I guess! Overall, very happy with it!
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Nov 10, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures
These figs came with a Scots-Irish DBA army pack from Essex miniatures. Apparently
Essex is well known for pressing certain figs into service despite the fact that they
don't really work. I decided to paint these up anyway as the ancient brits they were
meant to be. Took some time to do the details well, including the freehand shields.
Ancient British Warriors  -  Posted: Nov 10, 2008  -  Manufacturer: Essex Miniatures