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Cry 'Havoc!' - Medieval Southern Europe  
DBA Multiplayer Campaign

Last Update: April 20th, 2010
A new campaign using the rules outline in the DBA version 2.2 rulebook. This campaign pits ten players against each other over the conquest of southern Europe and North Africa! The campaign is set to start in the autumn of 2009 at Fallcon. Will the Holy Roman Empire conquer Europe and North Africa? Will Granada increase its hold on Spain? Will the Sicilians sack Rome and start the second Roman empire? Check out the campaign to see the background and starting place!

We all go a'Viking! - Circa 800CE  
DBA Multiplayer Campaign

Last Update: May 26th, 2009
A new campaign using the rules outline in the DBA version 2.2 rulebook. This campaign pits six players against each other over the conquest of the Norselands, Britain, Scotland and Ireland! Check out the action now!

Raid, pillage, loot! DBA Vikings take the world!  
DBA Narative Campaign

Last Update: Nov 16th, 2008
Follow the Steinthor Strongarm and his vikings on their path of looting and destruction as they raid their way across Europe and the world! This campaign follows the battles fought by my 15mm Viking DBA army.

Closing Battles of the War of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)  
Lord of the Rings Campaign

Last Update: March 20th, 2006
The Closing Battles of the War of the Ring was the first campaign played using the By the Will of Our People... campaign supplement rules. This campaign sees the forces of Mordor invade Gondor in an attempt to crush the world of men. The objective is total destruction of the enemy, check it out to see who will be the victor!