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Battle Master Bretonnians for the Empire!  
December 5th, 2024

In Battle Masters game there are four units of knights, and three of those look a lot like Bretonnians. Technically that game was created at a time when Bretonnia and the Empire were kinda conflated a bit, and so it's not too surprising that there were early-medieval barded horses along side the Renaissance-era armoured soldiers and horses of the standard Old World Empire faction. But I digress... I have finished three of the 'Empire' Bretonnian knights from Battle Masters and uploaded the pictures to the Bretonnian image gallery. I enjoyed these more and they were easier than I remember Bretonnian knights being! Check out the images in the Bretonnian Image Gallery.

I also updated the Battle Masters gallery with the latest Bretonnian unit. Check out the images in the Battle Masters Image Gallery.

Battle Masters Orcs finally arrive!  
December 1st, 2024

I wasn't looking forward to painting orcs to be honest, I don't really like the Warhammer style orcs, and these old Battle Masters ones seemed to be the worst of them... I get it though, I know that some people really love the Warhammer Orcs, and hold them dear, but they're not for me. That being said, that doesn't mean I can appreciate them for what they are and enjoy the bright colours and rediculous proportions! I decided to go with an old-school inspired colour scheme too! Check out the images in the Warhammer Goblins Image Gallery.

I also updated the Battle Masters gallery with the latest units that I've completed! I'm well on my way with this project! So far it's only about four years in the making! Or maybe five... Anyway Check out the images in the Battle Masters Image Gallery.

Chaos Warriors from Battle Masters, Hero Quest, amd WarCry  
November 29th, 2024

Loving these figures from Battle Masters and Hero Quest, and also painted up one from Khagra's Ravagers because I liked those ones, they really are a modernization of the old-school plastic Chaos Warriors. I'll use these figs for Battle Masters and also Warhammer the Old World for sure. Check out the images in the Chaos Image Gallery.

Chaos Beastment march in...  
October 29th, 2024

I was totally dreading painting these of all the figures in Battle Masters - arguably worse than the Chaos archers - because they seemed so uninspired and poorly detailed and also tiny compared to their later Warhammer versions. When I started painting them tho I realized how great they are! The detail is so crisp on these, nice lines, great sculpts if simple. The detail is great, just too shallow for GW's current contrast paints, but still good even for drybrushing! I also love the blank shields, so much opportunity for free hand! Check out the images in the Chaos Image Gallery.

Sisters of Battle Priest  
October 10th, 2024

All these years later and I finally have a female priest for my Sisters of Battle, i.e. Adepta Sororitas army! I was using those Mordheim females, the Sisters of Sigmar I think they were, upgraded to carry a chain sword and a pistol for years! Now I can finally switch to plastic... I mean, I know it's a recycled model but hey! Check out the images in the Sisters of Battle Image Gallery.

More Battle Masters Empire and Chaos  
January 18th, 2024

It's been a slog to get through these, so much humming and hawing on paint schemes for the cannon, but finally the Empire Cannon from Battle Masters is done, as well as another unit of five archers! On top of that, I found a figure in a collection that my buddy donated to me that I had been looking for for some time, that's the Chaos Warrior from the Hero Quest original game. It's based on the famous Slambo figure, but in plastic, and it's just great. Check out the Empire images in the Empire Image Gallery. Check out the Chaos images in the Chaos Image Gallery. Finally, check out the Battle Masters images in the Battle Masters Image Gallery.

Next up is likely more Chaos or Empire figs... Currently I'm looking at my Empire Knights from Battle Masters. There is some decision making to be done on paint scheme though. Do I do an Empire knight look, like the knights Panther or something? Or do I just theme them in yellow and green like the rest of the army? We'll see!

The Empire troops muster for war again!  
September 21st, 2023

After two years I'm back to painting (or finishing painting) the Empire troops that I have and plan to use for both Battle Masters and Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Kings of War. Perfectionism really help up the completion of the general figure, but once that was done, the other figures came together pretty quickly, and there's more on the block now! Check out the general, the last five halberdiers, and the first five archers in the Empire Image Gallery.

Along with the Empire figs, I've also updated the Battle Masters Image Gallery with the Halberdiers and the Archers on their Battle Masters unit bases. I'm excited to play a game of Battle Masters with two entirely painted armies... maybe that will happen within the next few years, lol.

Bretonnian men-at-arms revisited  
September 21st, 2023

Just over a year after the last update I'm back at painting the Bretonnians! I rebased my old Kings of War ment-at-arms regiment onto single-based 25mm bases, and also painted up a few new figures to round the unit out to 18 men (and women). Why you ask? Well, because of the impending release of Warhammer the Old World. It's exciting to see new figures and life into Warhammer Fantasy, and so I'm totally on that train again. It's odd because I used to absolutely hate the bloated, confusing, and unsatisfying rules of Warhammer Fantasy, and I loved Kings of War in comparison for it's simplicity and gracefulness... But I always liked the Warhammer figs and world more I guess, especially since it was Warhammer Fantasy that first got me into miniature gaming all those years ago. In any case, check out the new Bretonnian unit all formed up and ready to go with their new banner bearer in the Bretonnian Image Gallery.

Mantic's Armada, a beginning and end...  
September 19th, 2023

I saw about a year and a half ago that Mantic was having a sale on a starter set for their Armada game, and I thought I'd give it a try. I always wanted a fun ship game, and none of the other ones really grabbed me, and so I jumped in. I painted up the two ships included in the set, and then picked up two more and painted them up. It was fun, and also it was a lot of circling, which I didn't really enjoy all that much. On top of that, I had no fun painting the Basilean ships because I decided to use contrast paints, and it was a disaster... In any case, I finished painting them back in autumn 2022, and it took me this long to post pictures! Check out the images in the new Armada Image Gallery.

The Monster Hockey Team is Complete!  
March 12th, 2022

I have finally completed and taken pictures of the Ulfenkarn Monsters Bloodbowl Ice Hockey team. It was a lot of work, and also a lot of fun. It turned out pretty well, and I also cut some corners here and there. I haven't completed the second team quite yet. It will be quite a bit of work to get those done because I'm going to start with some figures that I already have and I don't have any more Bloodbowl or Dreadball figs already in sporting poses. It should be interesting. In any case, check out the images in the Ulfenkarn Monsters Image Gallery.

What's next? I have a half-finished unit of space marines, some half finishes Necrons, some half-finished Empire general for my Battle Masters armies, a pumpkin knight, a few Bretonnian halberdiers on bases, a Battle Masters ogre, Khagra's Chaos Warriors from Direchasm primed, a multimelta-weilding Sister of Battle from when they were good, and a single Bretonnian knight primed and ready to go. Things are moving slowly though, so until next time, take care.