Chaos Darkoath marauders archers from Battlemasters Games Workshop Warhammer  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Back when Chaos was punk-rock influenced and had archery! The new Darkoath Marauders really
take a lot of design inspiration from these old figs, so it's nice to see Chaos go back to its
punk rock roots! I was originally planning to replace these with goblin archers because the idea
of Chaos archers offended my sensibilities... but then with the release of the Darkoath marauders
and other Chaos figs with bows, I was on board again!
Chaos Darkoath marauders archers from Battlemasters Games Workshop Warhammer  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The back of the Chaos archers from a time when Chaos was punk-rock influenced and had archery!
The new Darkoath Marauders really
take a lot of design inspiration from these old figs, so it's nice to see Chaos go back to its
punk rock roots!
Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Battle Masters Warhammer  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
These are essentially
the same horses that were included in that old fifth-edition Bretonnian-featuring starter set for
Warhammer Fantasy, but instead of two poses we only got one. They're just as much work to paint, and they
look just as good in my opinion! I will definitely be using them for my Warhammer Old World Bretonnians.
I decided to stick pretty close to the actual unit devices from the Battle Masters game for these because
they work well with Bretonnia. Just a quick switch to a warmer, linien-inspired white and I'm quite happy
with them! Even though the helmets look more at home on an Empire knight, I imagine these knights took
inspiration and were in a hurry haha.
Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Battle Masters  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's a clear view of the horses' butts along with the devices on the barding. These are essentially
the same horses that were included in that old fifth-edition Bretonnian-featuring starter set for
Warhammer Fantasy, but instead of two poses we only got one. They're just as much work to paint, and they
look just as good in my opinion! The knights are Bretonnian knights with an Empire Knight helmet...
Battle Masters Orc Warriors for Warhammer from Battle Masters  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
These orcs really take me back to the old days... love the style and I went for the old school colour scheme!
Battle Masters Orc Warriors for Warhammer  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's the unit from the back, looking sharp and old-school enough!
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors Warhammer  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
I used to hate these figs so much... so much so that I quit Chaos and went to Undead (before they were
Vampire Counts). But now when I see them I see how great they are, and so fun to paint.
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors Warhammer  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Those cloaks are super fun to paint and look great. Overall I really like these figs.
Battle Masters Chaos Beastmen Warhammer  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The cannon took forever to get to, something about it intimidated me. I think it was the metallics. It kinda took
me a long time to decide just to drybrish it... I looked at various rust, or that corroded copper... In the end though
I'm pretty happy with it, and it will match my other cannons.
Battle Masters Chaos Beastmen Warhammer  -  Posted: December 1, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
One of the hardest units to motivate myself to paint because I recalled them as being horrible figs
actually look pretty great from behind!
Battle Masters Empire Cannon  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The cannon took forever to get to, something about it intimidated me. I think it was the metallics. It kinda took
me a long time to decide just to drybrish it... I looked at various rust, or that corroded copper... In the end though
I'm pretty happy with it, and it will match my other cannons.
Battle Masters Empire Cannon  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
I realized that with the other Battle Masters archers I painted them all green, when in fact I
wanted to paint them half green and half yellow. So yeah, here these ones are painted half-and-half with
red accents.
Battle Masters Empire Cannon  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The second archer unit from the back, looking good!
Battle Masters Halberdiers  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another regiment of Halberdiers, and this is the last one, three and a half years later!
I am very happy with these figs. I changed the way I did the feathers, instead of splitting
one side green and the other yellow, I made them align more with other examples. I relaized they
are very green, and not the green-and-yellow of figs I painted thirteen years ago, so updated
that a bit too... A joy to pain all these years later, and I'm hoping to recruit some people to
play Battlemasters again when the army is done!
Battle Masters Halberdiers  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
An angled view of the last Halberdier regiment. I relaly like these figs and the whole look
of the project so far. I'm excited to finish up and play again :) Honestly, I really love these figs,
they are so well made and have so much character... Their simplicity makes them super enjoyable in
my mind, not the highly detailed complexity that the Age of Sigmar figs can have.
Battle Masters Archers  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
These archers are great figs. The face is a bit tough given that it's on the mould line, however
despite that I really love the look and feel of these figs. These old Empire Battlemaster figs are
some of my favourite figs of all time!
Battle Masters Archers  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A view of the archers from the back, you can see that they all have their non-shooting eye closed!
I really love the look of these figs!
Battle Masters Crossbow men  -  Posted: May 29, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Although I needed another unit of men-at-arms, I decided to paint some crossbows first!
I'm pretty happy with how these ones turned out, and they should fit in nicely with the
existing Empire for Battle Masters. I decided to angle them on the bases like old-school,
but then mount them into this Battle Masters base facing forward.
Battle Masters Crossbow men  -  Posted: May 29, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Looks like I messed up and mounted these crossbows onto the wrong Battle Masters base... I'll fix
it up next, when I guess I'll do the archers! :)
Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's the mighty Chaos Ogre on its Battle Masters base, all ready to smash
some Empire soldiers into smithereens. Note the freehand belly shield. So many more figs to
paint, but still this one will add some pop to the tabletop.
Battle Masters Halberdiers  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Two of the three units of Men At Arms with Halberds from Battle Masters
all ready to hit the battlefield! Just one more and that will be all of them,
but I'll still need five more after that to make a Kings of War or Oathmark unit :D
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Riders  -  Posted: April 13, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
These were very difficult to motivate myself to paint. I dreaded the poorly-detailed
wolf sculpts... until I realized they're actually pretty good, which was thanks to seeing
pictures of the Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders, which are similar from a design perspective.
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 13, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The Chaos Champions are not quite stock Battlemasters Chaos champions. Ages ago I swapped the
heads from the old Chaos Knights(?) horse heads with the original ones, and lost those old heads to
the ages, and that's why you see the skull-adorned horse head here. Also, I had to replace a lance
as well, it just didn't survive the intervening thirty years. I painted these to be Vampire Knights
for my Kings of War army, so they are rocking the purple and orange theme with jack-o-lantern inspired
demon-like shields.
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 13, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
From behind you can see that I chose to do a solid colored cloak after the first test figure with stripes.
These champions will inspire terror on the battlefield for sure!
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 28, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The first of the Chaos figures, and the second unit completed for the
Battle Masters armies. These were painted up to play the role of Soul
Reaver (i.e. Vampire) infantry in my Kings of War army as well, thus the
Halloween theme. I had been trying to figure out which figures to use for
the Vampires, and wasn't happy with the Mantic ones nor the GW ones, and then
I saw these and thought they were just perfect! Note the skull on the unit
base, and that I used the Renedra thin bases, so it works a bit better and sits flush
unlike the GW bases, which are higher.
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 28, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Like the Empire unit, I think I will replace that original sticker
at some point, but for now, here's the rear of the unit!
Battle Masters Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 28, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's the base without the figures. Note the little skull!
Battle Masters Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here they are, the first unit of the Battle Masters box to be ready to play! Started on a whim, finished with some effort.
I reallit like the character of the figs, they are great in my eyes. The mono-pose aspect of it has charm in my opinion!
I think the base turned out pretty well also, but perhaps in the future I'll use thinner bases.
Battle Masters Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's the unit from behind. I decided to leave the old sticker on the back with the details on the unit's power, but
now I'm regretting it to be honest. I think I'll replace it with something nicer, something a little more stylish.
Battle Masters Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's a top view of the base for the Men at Arms. Easy to slot in the 20mm miniature bases, but still looks pretty
good once it's all together. Also, still - hopefully - relatively easy to store!
Battle Masters Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The first of my Battle Masters units, started on a whim just because I liked the character of the figs so much!
The test figure is on the right, and it turned out well enough that I just went with it for the unit.