Battle Masters Ork Warriors for Warhammer Old World  -  Posted: 2024-12-01  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I think these might be some of the first Warhammer-style orcs I've ever painted. To be honest
I never really liked the rediculously over-sized style and cartoonishness of the Warhammer orcs.
I kinda like those new Age of Sigmar Orruk figures more than these... I know that these Warhammer orcs
are beloved by the orc community, and I appreciate that for sure, they're just not for me. That being said these are just
absolutely classic, and so yeah, why not paint them for Battle Masters? I won't paint an army for
Old World of these style orcs tho, but I'll enjoy the two units I have to paint for Battle Masters!
Battle Masters Ork Warriors for Warhammer Old World  -  Posted: 2024-12-01  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I tried some new rust affect stuff, Dirty Down rust. It's definitely interesting, but not what I thought
it would be. I kinda like it, but it takes a lot to make it look rusty, and that just won't work as is
for warriors with uncared for weapons. Sure they'd get rusty, but not as rusty as a 100 year old vehicle
left to rot in Fallout like this stuff does well. Anyway, I like these figs.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Riders for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
These wolves were so hard to find motivation for, but they turned out all right. I was quite
concerned that the wolves were terrible sculpts and what the hell was I wasting time painting
them for anyway?!? Then I saw the Oathmark goblin wolf riders and immedietely wished I was painting
those instead... and then I realized that these sculpts are about the same in detail, and that the
quality was more of a style thing and less of a quality thing. Sure, some soft detail, but
ultimately, very similar.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This one isn't completely authentic. It's actually a fourth-edition Warhammer goblin spearman
glues on to the Battlemasters wolf. Honestly, I have been wanting to paint one of these
goblin spearmen again for years, and so I just swapped it. Funny thing it, it's actually
not really in scale with the BattleMasters one... Also, the shield isn't free hand.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The side view gives a pretty good look at the wolf and the shield, which turned out pretty
well in the end despite my initial uncertainty about the wolf sculpts.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A look at the classic clean lines with bright colours that harkens back to the early 90s
warhammer style... and let's face it, that's still my painting style these days :D Call me old
school I guess.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
More clean lines and bright colours on the back.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is the real deal, with freehand on the shield and a red nose that seems popular these
days. The nose turned out okay, but I realized that I have a hard time blending from one colour
to another.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Went for a yellowish green skin, turned out okay. Skin variations in goblins should be pretty common
I imagine!
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I went for a dirty neck scarf/hood. It worked out okay, but I'm not thrilled with it.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
From the back you can see the rusty helmet and the dirty neck scarf/hood. Overall, I like the
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Yet another original sculpt, freehand shield is slightly different, and the skin again
slightly different.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I was really happy about the colour scheme and final result on the wolf. The red eyes
were fun.
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Smooth skin is nice, but does it work on a goblin?!?
Battle Masters Goblin Wolf Rider for Warhammer  -  Posted: 2020-07-31  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This goblin has those clean clothes again... painting dirt for me is an extra step, so It
skipped it...