Scythians on the Hunt  -  Posted: March 20, 2017  -  Manufacturer: Old Glory Miniatures
This was the first round entry for LPL Season 11. I was very happy with it, both the detail level - especially for the scale - and
the staging as well. It let me use some of those old DBA camps that have been retired for a seriously long time. Unfortunately though
it didn't win the first round; my opponent had excellently painted Native-American Indians. My opponent - Lt. Hazel - did an excellent
job with his entry. That, along with the Lead Adventure Forum not really having a focus on 15mm scale figs and similarly with the Skythian
tribe theme may have sealed the deal; the Native-American Indian / Western tribe theme is quite popular there. Next year if there's a tribe
theme - or perhaps even if there isn't - I'll paint up some great-looking Beothuks!